Monday, July 26, 2010
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? July 26th
It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join in this weekly event if you'd like as well as use the picture above. Thanks Sheila for hosting!
Last week:
I finished The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella by Stephenie Meyer & read Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols (actually two books in one, loved the first book better)
I also posted two contests: Linger & Iron King (+25 Visa GC)
This week:
I just started Stolen by Lucy Christopher - hooked from page one! I'm hoping to squeeze another one in, then I'm on holidays next week :)
What are you reading?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Iron King Giveaway!
But Meghan suspects that it won’t be that way for her.
After all, Meghan has a secret destiny—one she could never have imagined….
Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan’s life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school…or at home.
When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she’s known is about to change.
But she could never have guessed the truth—that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and a pawn in a deadly war.
Now Meghan will learn just how far she’ll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil no faery creature dare face…and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.
Stop by to find out more and to grab a free download of Winters Passage, a novella (only until July 31st!) The second book in the Iron Fey series, The Iron Daughter, is available August 1st
Thanks to Harlequin Teen, I have a chance to offer a giveaway to one of my readers: Treat the faery creature in you to something magical and mysterious with a $25 Visa Gift Card and a copy of The Iron King!
All you have to do is leave a comment then fill out the form below...good luck!
Iron King,
Julie Kagawa
Friday, July 23, 2010
Giveaway & Interview with Maggie Stiefvater

Hi Maggie, thanks so much for stopping by!
Thanks for having me!
In Linger, I love the contrast between Sam, the romantic, and broken Cole. Who is your favorite to write?
Oh, I don’t know if I can choose. They’re both lovely, broken things and authors love
lovely, broken things, because then you can fix them . . . or not. Both of them (like all my characters) have tiny bits of me put in them to make them run, so I would say that some days Sam is easier, some days, Cole is easier. Just depends on the mood. Some days are definitely Cole days.
Are you a summer or winter person & why?
Neither. I’m a diehard fall person, because I love the edges of things. Fall’s the edge of the year -- where it ends. I love evenings too, because it’s the edge of the day. So it goes to follow that fall evenings are the best.
Isabel orders a cheese & mushroom pizza, what's your fav?
Loads of cheese and some kind of animal that probably had hooves at one point. I’m allergic to preservatives, though, so pizza is hard to come by.
(Yikes, that is a staple in my house!)
We have read your amazing books & seen your amazing doodling, what other talents do you have up your sleeve?
I can also flap my arms and run around screaming when I’m excited. I guess most people know about my music, which is the other part of the Maggie trifecta (there’s songs based on the books available for free download on my websites: and
Shiver had a blue theme, Linger was green...can you tell us about Forever?
No. Because I’m evil that way.
(darn it!)
You can find Maggie all over the net, including: her website, blog, Twitter and Facebook
And now for the extra fun part, one of my readers has a chance to win their own copy of Linger courtesy of Scholastic Canada! Please leave a comment then fill in the form below.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Review: Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

In Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past…and figuring out a way to survive in the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabelle, who already lost her brother to the wolves…and is nonetheless drawn to Cole. At turns harrowing and euphoric, Linger is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love-the light and the dark, the warm and the cold-in a way you will never forget.Publisher: Scholastic
Released: July 13, 2010
My Rating : 4 / 5
Book Two in the Wolves of Mercruy Falls Trilogy introduing a lot of new things. We learn that picking up and moving to warm, sunny Florida isn't the answer to the shifting problem. Linger is told in four voices: Grace, Sam, plus we are introduced to Isabel (whose brother eas killed at the end of Shiver) and Cole (one of the newbies Beck brough back from Canada).
One of the things I loved about Shiver was the love connection of Sam and Grace. As this book brings into focus the "what now" I found this took a backseat...and I instead found a new clone worthy guy in Cole! Cole is a musician (score!) with a dark past (yay for bad boys!) and a tad cocky. Once he starts to open up and let you see who he is deep down inside, you can't help but crave more of him. Isabel is another great addition as she says what's on her mind and is super confident - put her & Cole together and you've got some fun times to be had :)
Maggie's writing is once again beautiful, poetic & flows so smoothly. Reading her books is like endulging on your favorite dessert. Mmmmm, chocolate!
Stop by tomorrow for an interview with Maggie...and a chance to win your very own copy of Linger!
book review,
Maggie Stiefvater
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday - July 21, 2010
This weekly event is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
I can't wait to read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, published by Dutton & to be released December 2nd. I've heard nothing but amazing things about this one! I can't wait to 'hear' the accent in my head :D

I can't wait to read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins, published by Dutton & to be released December 2nd. I've heard nothing but amazing things about this one! I can't wait to 'hear' the accent in my head :D

From Goodreads:What are you waiting on?
A contemporary romance set in the City of Light, guaranteed to make toes tingle and hearts melt
Anna is looking forward to her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a great job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. Which is why she is less than thrilled about being shipped off to boarding school in Paris — until she meets Étienne St. Clair: perfect, Parisian (and English and American), and utterly irresistible. The only problem is that he's taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her almost-relationship back home.
As winter melts into spring, will a year of romantic near-misses end with the French kiss Anna — and readers — have long awaited?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Review: Tension of Opposites by Kristina McBride

It’s been two years since Noelle disappeared. Two years since her bike was discovered, sprawled on a sidewalk. Two years of silence, of worry, of fear.Publisher: EgmontUSA
For those two long years, her best friend Tessa has waited, living her own life in a state of suspended animation. Because how can she allow herself to enjoy a normal high school life if Noelle can’t? How dare she have other friends, go to dances, date boys, without knowing what happened to the girl she thought she would share everything with?
And then one day, someone calls Noelle’s house. She’s alive.
A haunting psychological thriller taken straight from the headlines, The Tension of Opposites is a striking debut that explores the emotional aftermath of a kidnapping on the victim, and on the people she left behind.
Released: May 25, 2010
My Rating: 4.5 / 5
I was nervous to start this book... with the disturbing premise, I thought it might be a dark read. The story however only touches on what happened when Noelle was kidnapped, enough to give the reader an explanation, but the core of the story is really about the aftermath and two friends attempt at a normal teenage life.Having had their friendship (and lives) ripped raw, we get to witness the healing process.
Told from the perspective of Noelle's BFF, Tessa, we see how there is more then one victim. The character development in the book, for both Noelle & Tessa, was stunning. Tessa sticks by her friend through thick and thin, not judging, not pushing, but really being the truest friend one could ever hope to have in their life; Noelle missed part of her childhood, the innocence and having to figure out how to respect herself and just be a kid again. The addition of Max provides a balance, some grounding and shows us not all guys are 'bad', while Chip...well there's always one in the crowd (I'll leave it at that).
The title of this book comes from a photography class project Tessa and Max must complete. The idea of using pictures, having Tessa hesitant to share her pictures (and thus open herself up) was brilliant and seeing this come full circle in the end was pure love. Yes, tears were shed! Tension of Opposites is a brilliant debut novel by Kristina McBride, I can't wait to see what she puts out next!
on a side note: While I usually just skip reading chapter titles (gasp...I know, I feel bad as I'm sure tons of time is spent figuring these out!) I must add that each one in Tension of the Opposites was eye catching & perfect!
book review,
Kristina McBride,
Tension of Opposites
Monday, July 19, 2010
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? July 19, 2010
It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join in this weekly event if you'd like as well as use the picture above. Thanks Sheila for hosting!
Last week:
I read Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (one of the best endings ever!) and Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
I'll have my reviews up later this week OR next (still feeling blah)
This week:
I started The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella by Stephenie Meyer last night. I've avoided any talk about this one so far so had no expectations at all - it's interesting :)
Next up is Endless Summer by Jennifer Echols
Watch out for two amazing contests this week :)
What are you reading?
Sunday, July 18, 2010
In My Mailbox - July 18, 2010

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren where we show what books have found a new home with us!
Some of my 2010 highly anticipated sequels came this week!!
On top row (L-R): Zombies vs. Unicorns, Behemoth (Leviathan #2), Crescendo (Hush, Hush #2), Endless Summer
On bottom row (L-R): The Haunted (The Hollow #2), Clockwork Angel, Nevermore
note: all links brings you to the books goodreads page :)
What goodies did you get?
note: all links brings you to the books goodreads page :)
What goodies did you get?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Review: Middleworld (Jaguar Stones, #1) by J & P Voelkel

Fourteen-year-old Max Murphy is looking forward to a family vacation. But his parents, both archaeologists and Maya experts, announce a change in plan. They must leave immediately for a dig in the tiny Central American country of San Xavier. Max will go to summer camp. Max is furious. When he's mysteriously summoned to San Xavier, he thinks they've had a change of heart.Publisher: EgmontUSA
Upon his arrival, Max's wild adventure in the tropical rainforests of San Xavier begins. During his journey, he will unlock ancient secrets and meet strangers who are connected to him in ways he could never have imagined. For fate has delivered a challenge of epic proportions to this pampered teenager. Can Max rescue his parents from the Maya Underworld and save the world from the Lords of Death, who now control the power of the Jaguar Stones in their villainous hands? The scene is set for a roller-coaster ride of suspense and terror, as the good guys and the bad guys face off against a background of haunted temples, zombie armies, and even human sacrifice!
Released: April 23, 2010
My Rating: 4 / 5
Full of non-stop action, Middleworld seamlessly blends present day with ancient Mayan culture. The book reads like an Indian Jones Jr mission: pyramids with secret passageways, talking monkeys, warriors & Mayan tradition all blend together. If the action hasn't already peaked your interest, the hilarious moments that ensue will. Lady Coca, the Mayan Queen from 400 years ago who surely was bored all those years as she certainly doesn't act like royalty anymore & Ah Pukuh, nicknamed the 'flatulent one - need I say more? The growth in the main character, Max, is phenomenal, I loved being witness to the boys transformation from a bratty, materialistic, technology addicted fourteen year old, into one that sees the other riches in life. Lola, strong, confident and witty, was the perfect compliment to help bring out the best in Max.
Middleworld appears to be the start of a fun series, one that I think has the ability to keep the attention of reluctant boy readers which is always a plus in my books! The target audience is definitely boys (and girls since Lola is super fun) ages 10-13 so I hope in a few years to pass this along to my son.
book review,
J P Voelkel,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Review: Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

Scarlett March lives to hunt the fenris—the werewolves that took her eye when she was defending her sister Rosie from a brutal attack. Armed with a razor-sharp hatchet and blood-red cloak, Scarlett is an expert at luring and slaying the wolves. She’s determined to protect other young girls from a grisly death, and her raging heart will not rest until every single wolf is dead.
Rosie March once felt her bond with her sister was unbreakable. Owing Scarlett her life, Rosie hunts fiercely alongside her. Now Rosie dreams of a life beyond the wolves and finds herself drawn to Silas, a young woodsman who is deadly with an ax—but loving him means betraying her sister and has the potential to destroy all they’ve worked for.
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Released: June 7, 2010
My Rating: 4 / 5
Ever wonder what would happen if Little Red Riding Hood had fought back? Sisters Red is a play on the fairy tale we all know & love...well sort of, with two kick butt sisters! Scarlett, her sister Rosie, along with their friend Silas grew up around the woods knowing that fenris really do exist. After the girls Grandma was killed and Scarlett left mauled by the attack, she made it her mission to protect the word from these evil beasts.
The story is told in two voices, from Scarlett & Rosie's perspectives and I must say the characters in this book are killer! The contrast between the sisters almost makes them whole, I loved how this was played out. Scarlett's determination at all costs, giving up any hope for a normal life; Rosie's devotion to her sister, the internal struggle as she wants that normal life. Silas, the woodsman son, can we clone him? Jackson managed to do create the most caring guy that is still hot & does not come across as a wuss!
The story takes place in present day & made me think outside the box - am I missing things when wearing my rosey coloured glasses? I know this is fiction but it's funny that the book had me questioning reality :) I loved the world Jackson has built and the concept of how one gets to be a fenris, the action, the fact that the bad guys (aka fenris) use the power of their good looks to get their prey while the sisters dumb themselves down & dress the part to lure them. Early on in the book, we are introduced to a thought-provoking story told to the girls by their Grandma about John & Mary in the cave. It has stuck with me and was perfectly payed out, coming full circle in the end.
Sisters Red is a stand alone but I am eagerly awaiting Sweetly, the second book in her fairy tale-inspired series. This story is going to be loosely based on the tale Hansel and Gretel & will be published by Little, Brown and Company in June 2011.
book review,
Jackson Pearce,
Sisters Red
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? July 12, 2010
It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join in this weekly event if you'd like as well as use the picture above. Thanks Sheila for hosting!
Last week:
The Evil Within by Nancy Holder (click here for review)
This week:
I'm playing catch up with reviews, so be on the lookout for one a day I think!
I'm currently halfway through Raised by Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (and loving it!)
Next up is Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus (which I have been dying to read for about a year now!)
What are you reading?
Review: The Evil Within (Possessions, #2) by Nancy Holder

Publisher: Razorbill
Released: June 10, 2010
In this sequel to New York Times bestselling author Nancy Holder’s Possessions, Lindsay finds out that she, too, is possessed, and must return to creepy Marlwood Academy in order to rid herself of the spirit. Lindsay’s afraid of what the spirit is telling her to do—kill Mandy! But the secrets of Marlwood go much deeper than Lindsay thought. Sometimes the girls who seem like enemies are actually on your side. And the voices you trust the most—the voices that come from within—are the ones that want you dead.
Continuing the story of Possession, Lindsay is at home for Christmas break, haunted by what happened at school. Hottie, Tory, is still in the picture, bringing her back to school when break is over, BUT also still not free of Mandy (though he's still talking of breaking it off)...and oh, she is possessed! As weird things are happening around school, Lindsay starts figuring things out with the help of friends. Celia, the spirit inside her, wants Lindsay to do the unthinkable, revenge for what happened 200 years ago. Will it free her from the possession?
Lindsay is the odd man out, the poor girl in a school for rich kids and you can't help cheer for the the underdog. Mandy, the spoiled rich girl who is the queen bee is again written perfectly. You hope someone knocks her off her pedestal but the fact that you want harm done to someone when that is not normal to feel, I must say is a sign of great writing. A four-time winner of the Bram Stoker Award from the Horror Writers Association, Nancy's ability to invoke the creepiness factor shines through: were the statues moving, who IS the stalker out in the forest, what really happened so many years ago? Nancy's descriptions leave the reader feeling like you are Lindsay, looking over your should as twigs crack, your own adrenaline starts pumping!
The ending was perfectly played out. I flip flopped guessing who was good & bad but in the end it was pulled together...with a cliffhanger of course (not all questions were answered as this is planned as a four book series). I am curious about some of the relationships & eagerly await the next scare fest with book three.
book review,
Nancy Holder,
The Evil Within
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Review: Sea by Heidi R. Kling

Sea by Heidi R. Kling
Published: Putnam Juvenile
Released: June 10, 2010
Still haunted by nightmares of her mother’s death, fifteen-year-old Sienna Jones reluctantly travels to Indonesia with her father’s relief team to help tsunami orphans with their post traumatic stress disorder—something Sienna knows a lot about. Since her mother’s plane went missing over the Indian Ocean three years before, Sienna doesn’t do anything if it involves the ocean or planes, so this trip is a big step forward.
But the last thing she expects is to fall for Deni, a brooding Indonesian boy who lives at the orphanage, and just so happens to be HOT. When Deni hears a rumor that his father may be alive, Sienna doesn’t think twice about running away with him to the epicenter of the disaster. Unfortunately, what they find there could break both their hearts.
A few years ago, Sienna lost her mom, she no longer did the things she loved like surfing & avoided her close friends. On her birthday, her dad buys her a plane ticket to join him & his team on their next mission to help kids in an Indonesia orphanage. The focus being dealing with the after emotional effects of the tsunami, something Sienna can relate to as she continues to have nightmares that stem from losing her mom. Reluctantly she goes on the trip...and on the first day meets Deni, the leader of the the Aceh boys.
The connection between Sienna & Deni, both leading different lives, in different cultures & carrying baggage from traumatic events in their lives was beautifully written. Seeing them grow together, even in such a short time, was believable and made you laugh, cry & left you wanting more! Another thing I enjoyed was the setting: as Sienna learns about Indonesian culture, so did I, sometimes experiencing a little culture shock along the way.
I must admit the premise didn't grab me when I had first heard about the book: I'm not a 'romance' reader and the post-tsunami setting sounded depressing. I couldn't have been more wrong & thanks to my curiosity to all the hype I read on of my favorite books this year! If you like a little romance with two flawed character who are discovering more about themselves along the way, this book is for you. I like to think of the book sorta of like the movie Titanic. The movie is pre-sinking & Sea is post-tsunami, this is their setting & the tragedy just added to the journey you take.
The ending is so touching, I must warn you to have Kleenex nearby. Sea's story takes you on an emotional roller coaster ride & when you reach the end you'll find turning back to page one and starting all over - seriously, this book is THAT good!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday - July 7, 2010
This weekly event is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.
I can't wait to read Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love, the all-star line up of authors include: Becca Fitzpatrick, Caitlin Kittredge, Karen Mahoney, Justine Musk, Daniel Marks, Diana Peterfreund, Sarah Rees Brennan, Michelle Rowen, Carrie Ryan, Maggie Stiefvater, Rachel Vincent, Daniel Waters, Michelle Zink. Wowzers!

Release Date: July 27, 2010
Publisher: Running Press Kids
What are you waiting on?
I can't wait to read Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love, the all-star line up of authors include: Becca Fitzpatrick, Caitlin Kittredge, Karen Mahoney, Justine Musk, Daniel Marks, Diana Peterfreund, Sarah Rees Brennan, Michelle Rowen, Carrie Ryan, Maggie Stiefvater, Rachel Vincent, Daniel Waters, Michelle Zink. Wowzers!

Release Date: July 27, 2010
Publisher: Running Press Kids
Full of dark seduction and modern romance, this short story collection presents a variety of talented voices sure to satisfy every werewolf, ghost, fallen angel, zombie, and shape-shifter’s dark desires.
What are you waiting on?
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Teaser Tuesday - July 6, 2010
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
The Evil Within by Nancy Holder

- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
- Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!
The Evil Within by Nancy Holder

"The figure in Mandy's window was still there, and chills washed over me as I looked away. I didn't think it was Celia's reflection, but I didn't know who - or what - it was." (page 105 of ARC)
Monday, July 5, 2010
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? July 5, 2010
It's Monday! What are you reading? is a weekly event to celebrate what we are reading for the week as well as books completed the previous week. Feel free to join in this weekly event if you'd like as well as use the picture above. Thanks Sheila for hosting!
Last week:
Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce (review pending)
I met Ally Carter! I'll do a little write up this week about the signing BUT my hubby lost our camera at the zoo on Friday so no pics to share :(
This week:
The Evil Within by Nancy Holder
I have 7 reviews to write, which I had hoped to tackle this weekend...grrr, I hate when I do this!
What are you reading?
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