Friday, June 18, 2010

Fun Friday...and winners!

I hope you enjoyed your week of Claire de Lune! A big thank you to Christine for making this possible. For the Friday's posts, we discussed making a playlist as I always like to do something fun...

So after much agonizing, I finally did a playlist just of the arc
of Claire's story - a Claire playlist, rather than a CLAIRE DE LUNE
playlist, if that makes sense. Originally, I tried to pick one song for
each character, but I was getting into WAY too many spoilers and getting
all twisted up with it. Instead, I tried to find really great songs that
matched Claire at each point in her journey, both with their lyrics and
also the general feel of the music. This is what I ended up with!

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Thanks to everyone who played along.

And the winners are.....

Signed copy of Claire de Lune: Jessica

Bookplates: Katelyn, Jenny N, Grace Gorski, Natasha, Elie N and Okapi

Please check you emails, you have until Sunday to claim your prize :)


  1. Congratulations to the winners!

  2. I have been making reading maps for my books, so this is a listening map for a book. Great idea.

  3. Congratulations to all of the winners! Enjoy!
